
DDE Setup
How it works
Monitoring Setup Tab
FTPad Setup Tab
Color Setup Tab
Advanced Setup Tab
Remote Admin Setup

Short words:

Guild FTP daemon is written as GFTPd
Guild's @window in mIRC is written as @GFTPd
Right mouse button as RMB
Left mouse as LMB
Words in "quotes" are to be written without them :)
Kilobits as kb or kbps.
Kilobytes as K, or KBps.
FTP advertiser as FTPad or just ad.


A computer with internet connection :P
Download GuildFTPd Required.
Download IRC Script Required.
Download IRCBot Addon NOT required and NOT supported.
Download Ratio Plug'in Addon NOT required.
Download SFV File Checker Addon NOT required.
Download Statistics Plug'in Addon NOT required.
Download mIRC 6x Required.

The IRCScript does NOT work on mIRC versions below 6x!

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Close mIRC, and GFTPd if they are running on your computer.
If you have the latest versions installed, skip the install process.

Install GuildFTPd:
Run GuildFTPd.exe and install it, where ever you want to (if you have the latest version installed skip this step).
Install all the plug'ins by running the *.exe files. (except the IRCScript.exe)

Install mIRC:
Run mIRC601.exe, and install it, where ever you want to (if you have the latest version installed skip this step).

Upgrade mIRC to v6.01:
Run mIRC601.exe, and install it onto your previous mIRC,
when the installer asks you where to install mIRC, check the checkbox to have mIRC keep your settings.

After instillation of GFTPd, open my computer "desktop icon" click twice with LMB
On drive C:\.. You should see a folder name "FTPRoot" delete that.
(HALT!! Do not delete it if you're using this as FTPRoot and have all your files in it!!!)
If you don't have a folder with the files you want to share yet, you need do make some right now.
Use "my computer" select a drive, (if you have more than C:\ use another drive),
on the root of the drive you have chosen make a new folder, name it "FTP",
Go in to that folder and make a dir called "upload" and move your stuff into the FTP folder... Here is an example:

Run GFTPd to proceed, follow the help file to setup your user accounts and other settings.

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DDE Setup:

DDE in GuildFTPd:
At first we are gonna change the DDE service name, in mIRC and GFTPd.
Reason for this is so you can have multiply mIRC programs open, without they mess up the mIRC you run the GFTPd Script on.

When you have setup your settings in GFTPd, open the options dialog window.
Admin->Options->DDE: The settings there MUST be set exactly as on this picture below,
except for the update delay, which is the update rate that GFTPd should pass an automatic status update to mIRC.
You chose a delay of your own, but keep in mind, the lower rate you set the more will mIRC and GFTPd work, it can cause some lag on your computer.
DDE must be enabled

When done click OK, close GFTPd, open it again, make sure the server is online then minimize it to tray.

DDE in mIRC:
Now run mIRC, if you did a clean install of this fill in you personal info in the dialog window that appears,
if you just upgraded from an earlier version, and you chose to have the installer keep you settings, you only need to change the DDEname, the same goes if you allready using mIRC 6x.
In the options dialog window click and expand the "General" section, highlight servers.
Change the DDE service name here, to "mIRC-GFTPd", just like on the picture below.
The DDE delay here has absolutly nothing to do with the update rate in GFTPd's DDE settings.

Now highligth the "Connect" section, click Connect to server.

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Install and 1st look:

New window:
Now its time to install the GFTPd-IRCScript, so run mIRCScript.exe from the location you downloaded it to.
Install it to the folder where you have your mIRC.
When its done, switch back to mIRC and in any window type /load -rs gftpd.mrc. When mIRC asks you if youre sure you want to load this script click YES.
The script will now open a new window named @GuildFTPd, and a dialog window will popup,
in the dialog window, browse to the folder where you have GuildFTPd installed, e.g. C:\Program Files\GuildFTPd\. Click OK.
You should now see 1 line in the window:
[07:21pm] GuildFTPDScript 0.998-2.0.5 Multi-server by EZJohnson Initialized and Ready For Use!

Use right mouse button in the window to open the menu

Use right mouse button in the window to open the menu, click "status update" and a new line should appear,
like this: [07:28pm] [ Status: Listening ][ Port: 21 ][ Connections: 0 ]
If you cant see this line, then GuildFTPd is closed, open it up and do another status update.
If you still dont get a new line like the above one, there is no DDE connection, between mIRC and GFTPd.
Make sure you have changed the DDE names like described in the DDE Setup section.
Rememeber to restart mIRC and/or GFTPd if you make any changes to the DDE.
If you get a line that says [07:28pm] [ Status: Shutdown ] your server is closed for new logins, open GFTPd and fix that, then do another status update.

Nicklist & Channel menu:
A little look on the nicklist and channel menu.

Menu Items

Each option should be selfexplanatory, so I wont describe them, except that to use the "Mass Stuff", you must have 1 or more nicks highlighted.

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Monitoring tab:
Use right mouse button in the @GFTPd window to open the menu, click "configure" and a new dialog window will appear,

Main Configuration:

This shows the current active bans and the remaining time left on them.
You can also manunally add new bans here, on the picture I set 4 examples of how you add new bans.
Enter the IP or IPmask in the IP to ban editbox and the duration of the ban where 0 is for perm bans, click add. in the @GFTPd window you should get 2 new lines like these:
[12:44pm] [ Has Been Kicked ]
[12:44pm] [ Has Been Banned ]

And you can remove any of them again by click on the ban to remove and then click the remove button.
Note: I found a little bug here, when adding a masked ban, the scripts doesnt kick the user, it will be fixed.

Channels monitoring:
Channels to monitor:

Here you select which channels to monitor (to resolve userip's to nick and where to show the build'in FTP ad (described later on)).
When you add a #channel make sure you use "#Channel" with the #! And that youre using the correct $network name, if you dont know your network name, then activate mIRC's status window (no need to close the configuration dialog window)
Type in the status window //echo $network, then mIRC will reply with the $network name and thats the name you MUST use.
You can add up to 10 channels, but be advised that if you monitors and uses your FTPad in more than 3-4 #channels
you will experience a lot of EXCESS FLOOD, because mIRC has a limit of how many characters you can send simultaneously, all depending on the size of your FTPad of course.
Its different from network to network.

GuildFTPd DDE servicename:
This MUST stay as "GuildFTPd", notice that mIRC's DDEserver name isnt the same as GFTPd's servicename.

Kick if not in channel:
Kicks a user off the FTP if he is not in any monitored channels, (only affects users which are listed in "logins to monitor" (described later).
Must be Voice or OP:
Kicks a user off the FTP if he is not +v or +o in any monitored channels, (only affects users which are listed in "Check only these logins" (described later).
Ban if not in channel:
Bans a user off the FTP if he is not in any monitored channels, (only affects users which are listed in "logins to monitor" (described later).
Ban Duration:
You need to specify a duration if you wanna use "ban if not in channel".
Allow leave after login:
Allows a user to leave the monitored channel after he logged in, without being kicked or banned,
this does NOT let user on the FTP if they aren't in the #channel when they login, and/or if the user leaves your site he must join your #channel to get access again.

Check only these logins:
Here you add login's that should be affected by the rules you just set in the above section.
login must be a valid user account login that you have made in GFTPd.
Example: if you run a site with anonymous login and a upload login and you want GFTPd to auto kick/ban anon users that are not in any #channels,
but not users are the upload account. (no need to kick users that contributes ;).
Enter anonymous in the editbox and click add, dont add the upload login, or else GFTPd will auto kick/ban that user too. And make sure its enabled.

Fast user DL speed:
This feature will just give the user another color in the nicklist window in @GFTPd.
In the example its set to give another color if the download speed is above 10KBps.

Kick/ban grace period:
This gives a monitored login (the user(s)) a specific amount of time to rejoin your #channel, when netsplits, ping timeout etc etc occurs.
In the example its set to 5 minutes (300 secs), which should be more than enough during netsplits.

CTCP stats:
If enabled any user can CTCP you to get your current FTP status, you can set any trigger you want, I just used "GFTPdStats in the example". Here is what it will return, in /msg method:
[Jesper] [Current Identified Users]: nick1 nick2 nick3 IP1 IP2 etc etc.
[Jesper] [Total Users]: 5 [Total Download]: 500 k/s [Total Upload]: 4000 k/s [Total Aggregate Bandwidth]: 4500 k/s or whatever current speeds are.
[Jesper] [fixed disk C]: 4502.56 megs / 2106.9 megs free [fixed disk D]: 7655.97 megs / 2495.86 megs free [fixed disk E]: 57247.22 megs / 37941.09 megs free [Total Free]: 42543.85 megs
Doensn't matter how many drives you have, the script uses %variables to count them.

Click Apply ONLY. and click on the FTPad tab.

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FTP ad tab:

FTP advertiser setup:
If the setup dialog window is closed, use right mouse button in the @GFTPd window to open the menu, click "configure" and a new dialog window will appear, click on the FTPad tab.

This is a powerfull FTPad to use, if you have no idea on how to make your own :).

FTP advertiser dialog window
I guess this is pretty self explanitory, so no need to provide much more information on this, except a few things.
1: when using [ $+ $ip $+ ] remember to add either Bold or Color on the brackets, and colors must be in 1,00 format so mirc aint using the 1st digit in your IP as a color code
4 examples:
[ $ip ] returns [ ]
[ $+ + $ip $+ ] returns [$ip]
[1,0 $+ + $ip $+ 1,0] returns [] and not
[1,00 $+ $ip $+ 1,0] returns []
This goes for all $vars that starts with a digit.
The "repeat rate in secs" is the duration between the ad will show
note that the ad will show in all the channels you have selected to monitor!
The enable checkbox is of course to start/stop the ad (dont enable it yet)
Note that when you start/stops it you MUST click apply or OK also.
Now set your FTPad up, you can scroll down in the window to see the list of variables to use and some examples.
In order to make the $!gc(account) and $!gm(account) works it is important that the max users for the affected accounts are set right in GFTPd.
Example: If you have an anonymous account with max 5 users allowed.
The max users must be specified on the anon account else $!gc(anonymous) and $!gm(anonymous) only return N/A or 0.
A default user setup example in GFTPd
These settings are to be set on a LOGIN/USER NAME, not on a GROUP
When done click Apply ONLY, then click the colors tab.

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Colors Tab:

Color setup:
If the setup dialog window is closed, use right mouse button in the @GFTPd window to open the menu, click "configure" and a new dialog window will appear, click on the Colors tab.

Choose some colors if you want mine is set Red, Blue & Purple.
The first column of colors gives the status/info a new color in the @GFTPd main window.
The second column of colors gives the User/Nicks/IPs a new color in the @GFTPd main window.
The first column of colors gives the Nick/IP a new color in the @GFTPd nicklist window.

There really isnt much to say about it, other than "go set some colors", press apply, and go on to the Advanced tab.

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Advanced Setup Tab:
If the setup dialog window is closed, use right mouse button in the @GFTPd window to open the menu, click "configure" and a new dialog window will appear, click on the Advanced tab.

Port Hopping:
You can configure GFTPd to automatic change the system port at a given duration and a range to hop between.
In the example GFTPd is set to hop to a random port between 10000 and 65535 (where 65535 is the max available TCP port.) on every hour (60 minutes).
You can choose your own port range and delay, and you dont NEED to use it.

Current System Port:
This option, allows you to change the system port right away, and view the current port.

I have an little alias script so I can change it faster.
Copy and Paste this in any aliases file:
ftpport {
writeini Gftpd/Gftpd.ini GFTPDPortDlg MainPort $1
dde %GFTPDddename setport "" $readini(Gftpd/Gftpd.ini, GFTPDPortDlg, MainPort)

Usage is from any mIRC window
/FTPPORT ##### where ##### is the port# you want to change to.

Multiport Configuration:
This option, is if you use the porthopper on your server, and you have some accounts, which you dont want GFTPd to change the port randomly on.
They can be added and changed here, (GFTPd will update these accounts in this window, if you change the ports from GFTPd).

Password Hopping:
V = Random UPPERcase vowel
v = Random LOWERcase vovel
C = Random UPPERcase consonant
c = Random LOWERcase consonant
N = Random number
n = Random number

You can use the password hopper on every account you want to, by adding them to in the box, and adding a mask combination of your choice.
On the picture I used "CcVvNn" which will return a random combination, could be "XfAu84" or anything else.
You can choose your own combination and delay, and you dont NEED to use it.
The "real words" feature is supposed to make real words out of your combination, but it dont work properly, so I cant recommend using that.
Note: to reveal the current password of an account using the password hopper type in any mIRC window //echo $gpa(account) and to use with the built'in FTP'ad use $!gpa(account)

Priv IPs:
This option is if you have some users that should be affected by the punishment that GFTPd performs on the logins being monitored,
and if you have some users where the script is unable to resolve the IP to a nick.
Add them as the picture shows you can use IP masks if you want to.
I reccomend you adding your own IP here, so you can login your server, using the monitored account(s), //dns $me to resolve your IP.
Reason is that the script cant recognize yourself as a nick in a monitored channel, if you have a HOST name.

Personally I find this feature useless and a waste of diskspace.
The 3 options is pretty self explanatory, so I wont comment them here.

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Remote Admin:
If the setup dialog window is closed, use right mouse button in the @GFTPd window to open the menu, click "configure" and a new dialog window will appear, click on the Remote Admin tab.

Remote Adminstration Setup

DCC chat remote admin:
The remote admin allows you and other users to administrate GFTPd from mIRC, by using a DCC Chat window, activated by a CTCP trigger, that you specify.
Usage: From any mIRC window type /ctcp (your nick) (trigger) e.g. "/CTCP Jesper GFTPd-admin"
The trigger must be 1 word (no spaces).
When the trigger is typed, your mIRC will initiate a DCC Chat with the user that used the trigger.

Here is a list of the current available commands, (a lot will be added in future versions).

Remote admin window
Note: Don't use a trigger that can be guessed or any of the common that lame channel flooders uses.
And this trigger is not to be mixed up with the stats trigger!

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Written by Jesper@guildftpd.com {IRC.Undernet.Org #GuildFTPd}
Date 06.07.2002